The Coldest Winter I Ever Spent Was a Summer in SF


Holy Lordy, where have I been? I can�t tell you where all the time has gone, my sweet pickles, but I do know I�m tired as a fucklet and it�s only Monday. What do we say to that? ASS! Yup.

I don�t know�.let�s see. I think there was a day at some point in there when they had fireworks? Once again, my neighborhood turned into the smoke-addled gun-slingin� post-apocalyptic fire-in-the-streets wasteland kind of place it�s known as. Luckily, most flammable objects are already covered with piss here, so nothing ever burns too long. Phew!

I spent all of this past weekend redesigning my �real� website and cleaning out my host server. I�ve been uploading every random image that was been grazed by my eyeballs since �98, so trying to re-organize, re-name and redesign it all is terrifying, momentous, exciting and nauseating. Good times. I�m hoping to launch by next week, so expect shameless self promotion (yes, even more) at about that time.

And I know I do this bitchin� and groanin� every year, but it�s sixty degrees and foggy every day in the city. I work in Oakland where it�s a bit warmer, which is why I want to cry even more when I sit down at my computer.

�But Beta, didn�t anything good happen after you neglectfully and completely abandoned us in d�land?�

Um, no?

The cats are still very fuzzy. That�s pretty good.

Hot Porn - 2005-07-23
Choogle - 2005-04-29
On Quicksand and Hydration - 2005-03-05
Bra Bustin' - 2005-01-15
Fuckhead Fuckers (and Other Happy Tales) - 2004-11-04
Betabitch, words & design, so play nice.