History Pre-school


Good one, eh? Best joke ever. I'm gonna laugh til I puke. What! The! Fuck! I can't believe this. I mean, I DIG on Total Recall the movie, but our governor can't even say California correctly. I'm sick. Just sick.

Here's my evil secret. When I was approached outside the supermarket to sign a petition long ago, I listened. I know those folks get money for every signature, so I usually help them out. Recall the governor? Fuck yeah! There isn't a single politician in office who I WOULD support. The only politician I believe in is Josiah Bartlett, and he's goddamn fiction.

Oh my god. I just learned that Josiah Bartlett is not fiction. He's a real delegate from New Hampshire, the first to sign the Declaration of Independence. I'm even more retarded than I thought.

But back to the reason that I should be held accountable for the destruction of our nation: I signed it. Like an asshole, I signed the recall petition. And like all petitions I sign, I promptly forgot about it and drooled over the new peanut butter chip cookies on sale.

So insidious, it was, getting angry activists to sign a petition and then replacing the governor with a republican, leaving us guilt-ridden with mouths agape.

It's a sad, sad day for Cahleefornia.

Hot Porn - 2005-07-23
Choogle - 2005-04-29
On Quicksand and Hydration - 2005-03-05
Bra Bustin' - 2005-01-15
Fuckhead Fuckers (and Other Happy Tales) - 2004-11-04
Betabitch, words & design, so play nice.