Saddam, That Wig Is Just Lovely On You


So our President Monkey-Boy did it. Just in time for the presidential elections, he caught Saddam. That aught to win him some votes, and isn't that the point? I think so.

I cannot believe we're going to have a trial for him. What a fucking joke. Doesn't trial imply innocent until proven guilty? Doesn't a trial imply justice, fairness, honesty?

The Iraqi civilian death toll currently ranges between 7935 and 9766. No trial for them. No justice for them. Or even the 456 US soldiers. Hell, what about the fabricated Weapons of Mass Destruction by President Monkey-Boy. That doesn't really seem like fair and just cause for war. Since WHEN are we being JUST about our Iraqi presence? Why not execute Saddam like the nearly 10,000 Iraqi civilians we've killed?


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