A Sausage Here, a Sausage There, a Sausage Sausage Everywhere


Well well well. The good news is that my throat isn't sore. The bad news is that it's totally swollen. I feel like I've got a wad of cotton balls stuffed in it. Hmph.

The Christmas Potty was fun. My lady friend cooked up a storm for three days, and I did the cleaning, fire, music, etc. Highlights were hanging out with Jhames, whom I barely know. Still, I can't believe I can talk to someone in person who can write like this. Awesome.

Another highlight was when Wild Bill exited the bathroom and announced "That candle's smoking all over the place. I think it might be burning the shelf. The next person who goes in there should really blow it out."


The best part was that my lady friend's little smoked sausage 'n blankets were left over, so she advised me to bake them before I catch my plane on Sunday and bring them with me.

Every scenario that flashed through my mind slays me. Beta in line, pulling a sausage out of her bag to snack on. Beta on the plane, "Chicken or pasta?" "Oh, no thanks, I have my own," waving a sausage at the flight attendant. Beta during the layover, while everyone's passed out around her, slouched over a sausage and taking a big chomp. The entertainment is endless, I tell you.

My lady friend left this morning after a two-month mad dash to the finish line. Between finals, grad school applications, work and the party, she pushed it to the limit, culminating in one hour of sleep last night. She was driving me crazy in that I-love-you-but-please-for-the-love-of-God-chill-out kinda way.

So now she's gone and I have til Sunday morning to do my thang.

I'm sad. It's so lame. She was driving me batty. I'm desperate for quiet time and sleep and anipals on my lap and bad movies. And now I'm sad and lonely? Jesus, have I no backbone? Sniff.

Oh, and I still did my gig last night even though I felt like an ass factory. My drummer kept distracting me with how rad she sounded. People were dancing, old men were swooning over our red hot version of Cheek to Cheek and we were pumped on adrenaline. Hopefully there's more of that to come.

Back to the orange juice with me. Anybody have a joke? Please?

Hot Porn - 2005-07-23
Choogle - 2005-04-29
On Quicksand and Hydration - 2005-03-05
Bra Bustin' - 2005-01-15
Fuckhead Fuckers (and Other Happy Tales) - 2004-11-04
Betabitch, words & design, so play nice.