Ta-Ta Tell All


Aloha. The feral kitty has been making herself more than welcome in our abode, but she and my crazy Mister Cat are in love, so it's fine. They're currently sitting on the couch together lapping each other's heads. If that's not love, I don't know what is.

Still though, I have yet to pet her. She is deathly afraid of human hands, and bolts in terror each time our paths cross. I show her how much Mister Cat likes a good petting, but she'll have none of it. She climbs on my feet at night and makes happies (Yes, that's what it's called. No, shut up. Really.) But if I move at all, she's out of there.

And now it's time to hear about my trip to the gyno! You know you want to.

I always ask for a female doctor, and I got one, but since it's a teaching hospital, she had a student. A boy. Who was like 15 years old. I am not happy showing my ta-ta's and hoo-hoo to twinks. Especially one who�s wielding a speculum. Not cool.

But I am happy to know that there are boy med students in the world who know the crap ass doctor appointments us coochies have to endure once a year. The end.

There, you're all done. See, that wasn't so bad.

Hot Porn - 2005-07-23
Choogle - 2005-04-29
On Quicksand and Hydration - 2005-03-05
Bra Bustin' - 2005-01-15
Fuckhead Fuckers (and Other Happy Tales) - 2004-11-04
Betabitch, words & design, so play nice.